Ozark Federal Credit Union

Ozark Federal Credit Union
Ozark Federal Credit Union

The new facility for Ozark Federal Credit Union is complete.  Located in Dexter, Missouri, it houses 2,880 square feet to fulfill the banking needs of their customers and includes a drive through for convenience.  The overall design allows for ease of circulation with a centralized open lobby concept.  Additionally, customer service and loan management offices are included within the design.  The mission of Ozark Federal Credit Union https://www.ozarkfcu.com/  is to provide affordable financial services to their members and their families in Southeast Missouri; to promote community development in their low-to-moderate income area; and to encourage thrift savings and the wise use of credit for the individuals and small businesses in the targeted areas.


Our Clients

Board of Municipal Utilites

Poplar Bluff Regional Medical Center

Three Rivers College

Sterling Bank

Poplar Bluff R-1 School District

Gamma HealthCare Incorporated

Poplar Bluff Municipal Library

Scott City R-1 Schools

Sikeston Department of Public safety

Westwood Baptist Church

Westwood Hills Country Club

Bank of Grandin

Kidd's Convenience Store

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

City of Perryville

Farm Credit

City of Cape Girardeau

East Prairie R-2 School District

City of Charleston, Missouri

First Missouri State Bank

SCMCAA-South Central Missouri Community Action Agency

Greenville R-2 School District

First State Community Bank

Delta Area Economic Opportunity Corporation

Oak Ridge R-6 School District

Ozark Federal Credit Union

Empire Comfort Systems

City of Hayti

Maynard School District (Arkansas)

Clearwater R-1 School District

Malden R-1 School District

Motel 6

Bollinger County Health Center

Eminence R-1 School District

Community Partnership of Southeast Missouri

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